Saturday, August 1, 2020

Tik Tok-ing their way through the Redwood Forest

Natural bridge
Tight squeeze
With the long drive and the late night that followed, we all slept in. Including Jasper! Ancient redwood RV park is a cute little family owned and operated spot, in the middle of a small clearing, surrounded by redwoods. Because of the tranquility of this amazing place that sits just off of the Avenue of Giants, and because we had a lot to see in this area, we decided we would stay another night!

I had to pack up the RV, as we don't have another vehicle for sightseeing.  Many true RVers tow another vehicle behind their RV.  We, on the other hand have bicycles, and the Avenue of Giants is not very wide, so I did not feel comfortable riding bikes on the small highway.  Before we packed up, I did a little writing in my blog in an attempt to catch up...  In past trips, I would write after the kids went to sleep.  Now that I have a teen and a tween, they stay up too late, so the only time to "myself" on this trip is early in the morning.  Which by the way, is quite nice!  So far I have loved the view from my writers window!

Crepes for breaky!
His and her Nutella
Jaden and I made crepes this morning.  I have to admit, I do enjoy cooking in our little kitchen on wheels.  I have organized it in such a way that there aren't many dishes we can't make at a moments notice.  And with a quick look into our "pantry" in the belly of the RV, I pulled out the perfect topping for our crepes.  His and hers Nutella, complete with the grade levels that each kid will be starting in virtual school this fall!

Because AT&T cell service is so spotty in this area, I grabbed a good old fashion paper map, just in case we loose our GPS signal.  Map on dash, latte in drink holder, we headed out for a day in the redwoods!
Mamba Mentality 2018

I ran a half marathon up here a couple years ago, The Avenue of Giants Marathon, with my friends, Matt, James and Dave. The course ran right through the trees!  Technically, I did not train for the race because I was coming off a recurring ankle injury that I originally injured playing a kids vs. parents baseball game.  Because I was still babying my ankle, the only training I was doing prior to the run was on an elliptical at the gym. I would "run" on the elliptical for one hour, plus one minute, three to four days a week.  I add one additional minute to my runs because Kobe Bryant used to say to always do just a little more than your goal.  Or something like that.  Not that running one extra minute will make me the Mamba, but it always made me feel good for doing in!  

2018 Avenue of Giants Marathon 
So, I was only planning on running a 10K.  But running amongst the beauty of these massive trees is so inspiring, that I just kept going.  Sorta' like Forest Gump, only he got to go coast to coast... I was beat up, for sure, but I love a good endurance challenge that allows me to take my mind and body to that place where there's nothing I can't do! On second thought, that is the Mamba Mentality! Much love, Mr. Bryant.  You are greatly missed.

I drove the kids the whole race route to show them just how far I ran.  Both were impressed.  Actually, so was I.  When they asked me if I'd do it again, I said, "Maybe one day I'll have that opportunity.  And maybe one, or both, of you will do it with me!  Until then, will one of you grab me a Red Vine?"  To which Jaden said, "Hey dad, didn't Dave run a full marathon?"  Yes, kiddo, he did...

Driving skills test
Road to Hana - Maui HI, 2018
Maneuvering a 32' RV on some sections of the Avenue of Giants can be challenging.  You can tell that they cleared trees to cut the road through the forest. But, some trees were just too big for them to cut down, so the road meanders through, and between these larger trees.  This all said, this was nowhere near as challenging as the Road to Hana in Maui HI, and we drove that in a Ford Mustang!  Luckily there was not a log of other vehicles on the road.  And when there was a tight section, I found that other drivers were very courteous.  Whoever had a turnout, pulled in, making it a very pleasant drive.  

Standing at the base of the worlds biggest trees, is like when I was a kid, standing at the base of the Empire State building. Only, it smells much better, there is not as many people, and unlike the traffic and constant sound of horns honking in Manhattan, the only sound you hear in the Redwood Forest is the whispering wind blowing through the trees high above. The kids loved hearing their voices echo as they shouted out, "Hello.  Is anybody out there?"  We made our way through the trees on a hike to see the "Giant Tree," which is recognized bystanders the American Forestry Association as the "National Champion Coast Redwood." Now, I don't know if that means it's the biggest tree, but this bad boy is really BIG! 363 feet tall, and 53.2 feet in circumference.  Wow, wow!

Redwood guide leader, Mazzy
Simply named, "Giant Tree"
It was awesome to see my daughter really get into this nature hike.  Generally she would rather be at the mall, or FaceTiming her cousin, Brooke...  In the past when I have tried to get her to go on a hike, I actually have to call it a "walk" instead of a hike, otherwise I would get the sassy teenage attitude, "I don't do hikes."  Today however, she packed a small backpack with water, snacks and a sweatshirt, grabbed her walkie talkie (and phone of course), pulled up her socks and began to lead the way.  "C'mon guys," she said as her brother, dad and puppy lagged behind.  Say what?  This was a first for sure, and I couldn't be happier!

This is true nature at it's best.  These trees have withstood the test of time.  Floods.  Fires.  The logging industry.  My kids. To be able to sit at the base of the largest trees on the planet, with not another soul around, is truly life changing.  When you think about how long these trees have been here, it truly puts life into perspective.  Our time here is short, so we should live each day to the fullest!  
Yes, I'm staring at you

Tik Toking the Redwoods...
As I sat for a few minutes longer, I took a drink of water while taking it all in.  Cue record scratch... Back to reality.  Yip, yip, yip barked Jasper, as he stared up at me.  Sigh.  Guys, can someone grab him so I can a least relax for one more minute? Never mind, I got it.  But can we please stop making Tik Tok videos with fallen branches and rocks, while making crazy fart noises on the walkie talkies...?  

Yes, I did sign up for this...  And wouldn't have it any other way!  

As the sun was fading, it grew cold in the forest below.  We headed back to our campsite for a nice BBQ dinner and family poker night. I am truly blessed.

“It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men's hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit.”   ― Robert Louis Stevenson

Day 4 – July 28, 2020  
Start: Avenue of Giants CA  
Destination: Avenue of Giants CA 
Where we stayed: Ancient Redwoods RV Park 
Mileage: About 40 miles

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